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Adam Hitch (1658-1731) of Old Somerset in ye Province of Maryland - His Descendants was published in 2007 and is available for purchase. It's a culmination of many years of  research into my Hitch roots and features more than 730 pages of information with over 150 photos and illustrations. It is truly an exhaustive study into the Adam Hitch family lineage - from which 60-65% of all Hitches in the U.S. today descend - from the late 1600s to modern day. It's not one of these "gimmicky" genealogy/coat-of-arms deals that you may have run across on-line or via the mail - it is scholarly and documented by citing nearly 2500 sources. It puts to bed many family "legends" that have arisen over the years, replacing them with FACTUAL material relative to the Hitch family. The book is paperback, formatted 8.3" x 11.5", and professionally created using an on-line publisher.  The book can be purchased for the price of $49.95 plus $5.00 S&H. I guarantee you will be fully satisfied with this book or your money will be fully refunded. Follow a link below to see the book's index and a teaser excerpt. Or hit the purchase button to go to PayPal.

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OH LORDY! The book about Young H.E. Hitch of the 16th South Carolina Volunteers was published in 2015. Ms. Elinor Mowbray, a retired paralegal living in upstate SC was rummaging through her attic one day and came across a large cache of old books, paraphernalia and letters of her direct line ancestors in the Hitch family. The majority of the find was correspondence between Young Henry Elkanah Hitch and his wife Mary Ann (Edwards) Hitch and young children John Joseph and Augustus Lucian Hitch during the Civil War when Young was a Private, first in the 9th South Carolina Reserves and then, in Company I of the 16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry.


Ms. Mowbray contacted me about the fabulous find and I was very grateful she did! New cousins introduced, we began to communicate about the contents of the collection and interest levels piqued at a very high level for both of us. These types of finds are becoming ever more scarce and, for this documentation to have survived through so many years is simply incredible. Ms. Mowbray drove from South Carolina to my house in Maryland in the autumn of 2014 and we spent all day digitally scanning the letters one-by-one. A common conclusion was then realized – the contents of this cache of information has to be told to a larger audience and it would best be told in the form of a book. What has resulted is a text that not only covers the exploits of Private Young H.E. Hitch through his life as a private citizen and soldier, but also a treatise of his compatriots in Company I of the 16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry. This includes service records and even some genealogical  for many of the men in that unit. It is a fascinating, historically accurate tale that we hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing.  See the links below for excerpts and purchase ($29.95 plus $5.00 shipping).

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